
Meet the individuals who bring you the Message of Freedom.

Erin Adams is a long-time libertarian activist and lifelong advocate for self-ownership and free markets. A Veteran, she has always been a proponent of community service and civic engagement actively involved in local and national activism.

In 2016, Erin for Oklahoma State House in Legislative District 33 on the Libertarian Party ticket and was the only candidate to have a fully staffed campaign, consistent presence and amicable relationship with the media, and multiple opportunities to share our message of free market and free minds to large audiences. In addition to her own campaign, Erin was also the Regional Field Director, National Outreach Events Coordinator, and for a time, Oklahoma State Director for the Johnson / Weld 2016 Campaign.

Following the tragic passing of Dr. Marc Allen Feldman, along with several colleagues Erin cofounded the Feldman Foundation to provide resources, guidance, and assistance to down-ticket candidates. The Foundation has representatives in all 50-states and are working on assisting Rex Lawhorn’s campaign for Governor in Oklahoma, where She serves as Campaign Manager. 

In addition to her work as a candidate or working for candidates, Erin is heavily involved in a variety of organizations and committees both in, and out, of the Libertarian Party, including the Bylaws Review Committee and Candidate Support and Recruitment Committee in Oklahoma, as well as the Convention Oversight Committee for LP National. Erin Is the chair of the Northcentral Oklahoma Libertarian party, The region 7 alternate to the Libertarian national committee and a candidate for Chair of the Oklahoma Libertarian Party. Erin is a member of The national association for Libertarian women, Outright Libertarians and a variety of other caucuses and community groups.

Erin is a tireless, passionate advocate for liberty and is wholeheartedly committed to ensuring the success of the Libertarian Party as it “seeks a world set free in our lifetimes.” A dedicated Partisan of the Libertarian Party, Erin sees great value in expanding political conversations outside of partisan echo chambers.

Jeremy Frederick

Website Director
Roads to Freedom Foundation

Email: [email protected]